Business models are something that I can completely geek out about…and very often, do
The way your business is set up to bring in money and serve clients is important from the very first start of your business. It doesn’t have to be complicated, it doesn’t have to be hard, and you do need to be clear about it.
And, there’s one business model that traps coaches into under earning and over working every. single. time.
At first glance, it looks like it’s the most responsible business model.
The least expensive.
And the easiest.
But, it’s none of those.
It’s what I lovingly refer to as the duct-tape-business model.
You’re likely suffering from the duct tape business model if…
… you’ve been building your business for several years and still aren’t bringing in the clients and income that you’d like to be bringing in.
…you sign up for at least 5 webinars each week and are on at least 30 different email lists of guru’s professing to teach you “the one thing” that will allow you to skyrocket your business….
… you’re tired, I mean really, really, tired.
The duct tape model is when you try to piece together your business based on free information that you gain from webinars, google searches, facebook groups and gurus with the “one step fix” to your business.
While some of these ideas may work for a short time (at best), they aren’t the solution you’re looking for when you’re craving consistency and meaningful growth.
They aren’t the tools you’re looking for when you’re building a business that will outlast the most recent marketing strategy or tactic.
There’s never a “magic fix” or a one strategy answer. Never.
(I bet deep down, you already knew that.)
When you peel back the stories that are lurking behind this business model, these are usually the ones running the show:
“I should be able to figure this all out myself. I’ve never built a coaching business before, but I should be able to do it.”
“Asking for help is for wussies.”
“It’s supposed to be hard.”
“I built it…so they’ll come.”
“Marketing and sales give me hives and I’m not good at them.”
“As soon as I see proof that this business will work, THEN I’ll invest in myself and my business.”
When these stories are driving the bus, the front row passengers often include the fear of being visible, the fear of success, the fear of failure, and don’t forget the almighty Fraud Complex (who am I to do this?).
What I do know, for sure, is that this business model appears to be the least expensive because it doesn’t require you to invest in the coaching support you most need.
The duct tape business model is actually one of the most expensive business models around. (If you’re following this model and bringing in $20k and your goal is $100k, that’s an $80k problem!)
By not investing in yourself and your business, you’re avoiding making a commitment to yourself and your business.
And, without commitment, you have nothing.
Com·mit·ment: an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.
Instead of wondering if you’ll fail, what if you committed 100% to succeeding and didn’t even consider other options?
What would you do differently if you were guaranteed success?
In which ways do you want to invest in yourself and your business, but are afraid to?
What does surrendering to the process (instead of recreating the wheel) offer to you?
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By not investing in yourself and your business, you’re avoiding making a commitment to yourself and your business.
All of these questions will lead you to clarity about your next brave steps. Give yourself the time to sit with these questions and reflect. Journal about them until your hand hurts.
To move forward and create space for new growth and income and impact, you have to be intentional and willing to let go of old beliefs, old habits, and old stories.
(This is another place working with a coach will help you see your blind spots.)
Once you take steps to release the weights that have been keeping you at your current level of success, the Universe will send opportunities your way. Ideas. Insights. Partners. Coaches to support you. Team members to align with.
And then, it’s your turn again. You get to start saying yes to those opportunities and in turn, you’re saying yes to what’s possible.